Moral Reconation Therapy in Mesa, AZ

Moral reconation therapy is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that therapists have used for more than three decades to help people overcome addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Moral reconation therapy (also known as MRT), is a unique therapy in that it focuses on a person’s decision-making skills and judgment. By enhancing these and other skills, a person can ideally become sober and make healthier choices for themselves and their loved ones.

Drug Detox Centers Mesa offers connections to this therapy in Mesa. It’s also offered in all 50 states as well as several other countries around the world. Experts consider the therapy to be especially successful in people who have historically been treatment-resistant and may even have tried to get sober in the past, yet have relapsed.

Addiction and Decision-Making Skills

When a person experiences an addiction to a particular drug, their brains start to change where they become preoccupied with only obtaining and using a particular drug to get high. Even if a person once displayed good decision-making skills, drug abuse can change their lines of thinking into making repeated drug abuse, no matter who gets hurt, acceptable.

Moral reconation therapy recognizes this tendency toward self-seeking and self-centered behaviors. A therapist will work with participants, usually in a group environment, to shift this focus to one that takes into account the welfare of others, which is known as moral reasoning.

The Tenets of Moral Reconation Therapy

The creators of moral reconation therapy created a workbook and program with specific tenets. Most people will participate in sessions once or twice a week. The sessions themselves usually last around 1.5 hours.

The program features 12 to 16 steps that revolve around seven basic treatment issues. These issues are:

1. Confrontation of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors
2. Assessment of current relationships
3. Reinforcement of positive behavior and habits
4. Positive identity formation
5. Enhancement of self-concept
6. Decrease in hedonism and development of frustration tolerance
7. Development of higher stages of moral reasoning

According to, moral reconation therapy is associated with a high rate of success. When the program was studied in parolees and probationers, two-thirds were sober after as long as two years.

Goals for Moral Reconation Therapy

Moral reconation therapy doesn’t just focus on being sober – instead, the therapy offers principles that can apply to a person’s total life and well-being. Drug Detox Centers Mesa recommends the therapy because participants can use the enhanced decision-making skills in their personal relationships and jobs. Ideally, upon “graduating” from the program, a person will have achieved higher-level ways of thinking. They will understand the decision to use drugs and alcohol affects much more than themselves.

Moral reconation therapy has worked for years to help patients find their sense of purpose in life and reduce anti-social lines of thinking and behavior. Through participation in moral reconation therapy, patients have been able to achieve long-lasting sobriety.

Drug Detox Centers Mesa offers connections to moral reconation therapy (MRT) as a unique way to enhance recovery. Contact our recovery advocates at (480) 750-2471 for information about this and other programs.